Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Frequently Asked Questions
This page includes several of the most frequently asked questions. For more information, please contact the webmaster.
Q: How do I get on the bidders list?
A: The Judiciary does not maintain a bidders list. With some exceptions, purchases of $15,000 to less than $100,000 are solicited via the HIePRO (State of Hawaii eProcurement) system. Purchases $100,000 or more are solicited through the State Procurement Office’s Public Notice System; vendors are then linked to this Judiciary Internet Bidding Site to obtain copies of the solicitation.
Q: How are procurements under $100,000 handled?
A: Expenditures less than $100,000 are referred to as small purchases. For more information on this area of procurement, see the section entitled Small Purchases.
Q: Is every procurement decentralized?
A: Each administrator at the court and program level is responsible for procurement within their jurisdiction, with the following exceptions: bidding is handled by a central contract and purchasing staff, and sole source and emergency procurements require the approval of the Administrative Director of Courts. More information on these exceptions is in the section entitled Procurement Procedures.
Q: What is a price list?
A: A price list is a group of common items or services which are competitively bid to set prices for a specified period of time. If your company is awarded a price list contract, you would be obligated to offer the specified goods or services to all courts and Judiciary programs, regardless of their location.
Q: Does Hawai‘i give any preferences to in-state businesses, or for certain Hawai‘i products?
A: There are preferences for products on the Hawai‘i Products List, recycled products, printing, binding and stationery work, software development business, and preference for in-state contractors for public works projects. For more information, contact the Judiciary central contract and purchasing staff.
Q: What is the Hawaii Compliance Express or HCE?
A: Vendors are required to submit a tax clearance certificate from both the Hawai‘i Department of Taxation and the IRS, a DLIR Form 27 from the State department of Labor and Industrial Relations, and if applicable, a Certificate of Good Standing from the State Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs prior to entering into a contract and upon final payment of a contract. The Hawaii Compliance Express (HCE) allows vendors to obtain a single “Certificate of Vendor Compliance,” which provides a faster and simpler method for vendors to comply with the above requirement.
Q: If my company is submitting a sealed bid or proposal, when is it due and can I be present at the opening of the bid or proposal?
A: All sealed bids and proposals are due at the time (Hawai‘i Standard Time), date, and location specified in the solicitation document. You are welcome to attend any sealed bid opening and may review bids received during the bid opening. However, proposals submitted in response to a competitive sealed proposals (RFPs) are not opened in public, and award information is not available for public inspection until the contract is signed by all parties.
Q: What happens if I forget to sign my bid or proposal?
A: Bids and proposals unsigned will not be accepted unless there is other documentation with the submittal that clearly shows the offeror’s intent to be bound.
Q: What about late bids or proposals?
A: All bids and proposals received later than the date and time designated in the solicitation document will be considered late and returned unopened.
Q: If I submitted the lowest bid, do I automatically get the job?
A: No. Before (and even after) award, the Judiciary may inspect, test, sample, and require a demonstration of the goods, services, and construction.
Q: Will my records be audited?
A: The Judiciary has a right to and may audit your books and records relating to the award of a contract prior to or after award. You are required to maintain records for three years after the date of final payment on the contract.
Judiciary Procurement Office
1111 Alakea Street
Sixth Floor Honolulu, HI 96813
Phone: 808-538-5805, Fax: 808-538-5802