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Legislative Update 2025

The Judiciary provided testimony on the following measures during the Thirty-Third Legislature, 2025 Regular Session.

Click on measure number to view the current version of the measure, status, testimony submitted, and other pertinent information.

HB395 SB261 RELATING TO JURY DUTY Increases the amount each juror or prospective juror is paid for each day of actual attendance at court. Appropriates moneys.
HB396 SB263 RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR COURT-APPOINTED COUNSE Increases the rate of compensation and maximum allowable amounts per case for court-appointed counsel in criminal proceedings. Appropriates moneys.
HB397 SB264 RELATING TO THE EXAMINATION OF CRIMINAL DEFENDANTS Establishes the amount of compensation for private-sector examiners who evaluate a criminal defendant’s penal responsibility or fitness to proceed in a legal case. Appropriates moneys.
HB398 SB265 RELATING TO COMPENSATION FOR COURT-APPOINTED REPRESENTATION Increases the rate of compensation and maximum allowable amounts per case for court-appointed counsel and guardians ad litem in family court proceedings.
HB399 SB266 RELATING TO DISTRICT COURT JUDGES Establishes 1 additional district court judgeship in the First Circuit.
HB400 SB260 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY Appropriates funds for the Judiciary for the fiscal biennium beginning 7/1/2025, and ending 6/30/2027. Effective 7/1/2025.
HB401 SB267 RELATING TO DISTRICT COURT JUDGES Establishes 1 additional district court judgeship in the Third Circuit.
HB402 SB262 RELATING TO PROSPECTIVE JURORS Authorizes the Judiciary to determine the format of the juror qualification form and the means of its delivery and return. Removes the requirement that the form be mailed.
HB36 RELATING TO EXCITED DELIRIUM Prohibits excited delirium from being recognized as a valid medical diagnosis or cause of death in the State. Prohibits a medical examiner, coroner, or health care provider from stating on a certificate of death or in any report that the cause of death was excited delirium. Prohibits law enforcement officers from using the term excited delirium to describe an individual in an incident report. Establishes a new Hawaiʻi Rule of Evidence that deems evidence that a person experienced or suffered an excited delirium inadmissible in a civil action.
HB114 SB304 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY Establishes positions and appropriates funds for Adult Services Probation of the First Circuit Court.
HB127 RELATING TO PRETRIAL RELEASE Requires the court to enter on the record its written findings regarding the necessity of the conditions imposed on a defendant’s release. Requires bail to be set in an amount that the defendant can afford based on certain factors.
HB129 RELATING TO YOUTH FEES AND FINES Prohibits the assessment of any fees, fines, or court costs against a person who was adjudicated for an offense committed during the person’s minority, or against the person’s parent or guardian, and discharges all related debt obligations assessed before the effective date of the Act. Limits court-ordered community service for a minor to no more than seventy-two hours. Repeals certain penalties imposed on parents, guardians, or other persons associated with unaccompanied children in streets and unmarried minors in dance halls.
HB145 SB861 RELATING TO EXPUNGEMENT Authorizes the Hawaii Criminal Justice Data Center to transmit all expungement orders to the Judiciary to effectuate the purposes of Act 159, SLH 2023.
HB146 SB781 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY’S ‘ŌLELO HAWAI‘I INITIATIVES Appropriates funds to support the Olelo Hawaiʻi Initiatives.
HB235 RELATING TO TRAFFIC SAFETY Requires the Department of Transportation to expand the use of photo red light imaging detector systems and automated speed enforcement systems to locations on the North Shore of Oahu.
HB280 SB361 RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH COURT Permanently establishes and appropriates funds for the Community Outreach Court as a division of the District Court of the First Circuit.
HB304 SB109 RELATING TO THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE Requires that the Hawaiian version of a law be held binding if the law in question was originally drafted in Hawaiian and then translated into English.
HB334 SB96 RELATING TO TRAFFIC CITATIONS Authorizes the Department of Law Enforcement to establish traffic cameras and issue a citation by mail for certain violations of traffic-related laws. Establishes that intentional destruction or damage to a traffic camera is a class C felony.
HB366 RELATING TO RENEWABLE ENERGY Requires contested cases, environmental assessment cases, or environmental impact statement cases involving renewable energy projects over twenty megawatts in size, except cases that involve any form of incineration, to be appealed from an agency’s decision directly to the Hawaiʻi Supreme Court for final decision. Requires the cases to be prioritized and decided expeditiously.
HB438 SB816 RELATING TO DUE PROCESS PROTECTIONS Establishes the Due Process in Immigration Proceedings Program within the Judiciary to provide legal representation to individuals in immigration-related proceedings in immigration court. Appropriates funds.
HB463 SB154 RELATING TO EVICTION RECORDS Requires that all court records of any eviction proceeding be sealed within specified timeframes upon resolution of the proceeding. Authorizes the court to seal certain eviction records prior to the expiration of these timeframes upon motion by a tenant who is able to demonstrate that certain conditions apply. Requires the clerk of the court to provide access to sealed eviction records to the tenant. Makes it a discriminatory practice to require a person to disclose a sealed eviction record as a condition of certain real property transactions. Prohibits discrimination in real property transactions against a person with a sealed eviction record.
HB560 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY Appropriates funds to the judiciary for services contracted with community-based organizations that deliver essential services, streamline judicial processes, and support the judiciary’s capacity to effectively meet the needs of vulnerable households.
HB648 SB788 RELATING TO GUARDIANSHIP AND CONSERVATORSHIP SERVICES Establishes a two-year pilot program in the Probate Court and Family Court of the First Circuit to fund certain guardianship and conservatorship related court resources in situations where the respondent does not have sufficient funds to pay for one or more of the resources and the court has deemed the resource or resources beneficial. Requires the Judiciary to submit reports to the Governor and Legislature. Appropriates funds.
HB660 RELATING TO LAND COURT Repeals the Land Court. Requires registered owners of an interest in property registered in land court to deregister their interest. Requires the land court to inform registered owners of the requirement to deregister. Appropriates moneys.
HB697 SB1208 RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION Allows authorized employees of the Department of Transportation and Department of Law Enforcement, in addition to county police departments, to perform certain actions in reviewing recorded images produced by automated speed enforcement systems. Appropriates funds to the Department of Transportation to establish and implement the Automated Speed Enforcement Systems Program.
HB727 SB526 RELATING TO THE WOMEN’S COURT Establishes a temporary three-year woman’s court pilot program within the second, third, and fifth circuits. Establishes temporary positions. Requires a report. Appropriates funds. Sunsets 6/30/2028.
HB763 RELATING TO CIVIC EDUCATION Establishes the civic education trust fund to support programs benefiting civic education of public school students. Appropriates funds for the expansion of civic education in the public schools and for two full-time equivalent permanent civic education resource teacher positions.
HB892 RELATING TO GEOGRAPHICAL RESTRICTIONS Establishes limitations on geographical restrictions provided as a condition of probation.
HB900 SB1228 RELATING TO CHILD WELFARE SERVICES Establishes a working group for legal services for youth in the child welfare system within the judiciary. Appropriates funds for the working group.
HB979 RELATED TO SUMMARY POSSESSION Requires that a current GET license number for any rental income be filed with the complaint to the court for summary possession proceedings. Requires the judiciary to submit an annual list of certain information regarding summary possession cases to the department of taxation.
HB997 SB1316 RELATING TO COURT-ORDERED PAYMENTS Requires the Judiciary to contract with a collection agency or licensed attorney to collect delinquent court-ordered fees, fines, sanctions, and court costs. Repeals the authority of the Judiciary to contract with a collection agency or licensed attorney to collect delinquent restitution. Expressly allows courts to specify a period of time or installments for payment of fees and restitution. Requires courts to hold payment compliance hearings once per year or as soon as practicable, until all fees, fines, and restitution are fully paid, and requires a defendant to appear and show cause if the defendant fails to pay in full within a time specified by the court or fails to pay three consecutive installments. Makes corresponding amendments to related statutes.
HB1045 SB1364 MAKING EMERGENCY APPROPRIATIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL COSTS Makes emergency appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025 to the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Judiciary for payroll and fringe benefits of affected Department of Law Enforcement personnel.
HB1166 SB1485 RELATING TO AUTOMATED SPEED ENFORCEMENT SYSTEMS PROGRAM Appropriates funds out of the State Highway Fund for deposit into the Automated Speed Enforcement Systems Program Special Fund and appropriates funds out of the Automated Speed Enforcement Systems Program Special Fund for fiscal year 2025-2026.
HB1231 SB1664 RELATING TO TRAFFIC SAFETY Requires the State to prioritize the installation of photo red light imaging detector systems in school zones if the State establishes a photo red light imaging detector system. Requires proceeds of fines collected for disregarding a steady red signal pursuant to a photo red light imaging detector system installed in a school zone to be deposited into the Safe Routes to School Program Special Fund.
HB1247 RELATING TO CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS Provides immediate judicial review of orders fixing minimum terms of imprisonment.
HB1283 SB1520 RELATING TO FAMILY Establishes an exemption from mediation in paternity proceedings where there are allegations of domestic abuse. Clarifies the exemption from mediation in divorce proceedings as it relates to domestic abuse.
HB1324 RELATING TO LANDLORD-TENANT DISPUTES Requires the Judiciary to contract for legal services for residential tenants in actions or proceedings with their landlord under certain circumstances. Authorizes attorneys, paralegals, and law student to provide legal services to residential tenants. Appropriates funds.
HB1433 SB825 RELATING TO EVICTION MEDIATION Beginning 2/5/2026, extends the period for a notice of termination of a rental agreement; requires landlords to engage in mediation and delay filing an action for summary possession if a tenant schedules or attempts to schedule mediation; and requires landlords to provide specific information in the 10-calendar-day notice to tenants. Repeals 2/4/2027. Appropriates moneys.
SB8 RELATING TO JURY DUTY Allows an advance practice registered nurse to claim exemption from service as a juror.
SB109 HB304 RELATING TO THE HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE Requires that the Hawaiian version of a law be held binding if the law in question was originally drafted in Hawaiian and then translated into English.
SB121 PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VI, SECTION 3, OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION TO ALLOW THE SENATE MORE TIME TO CONFIRM JUDICIAL APPOINTMENTS Proposes an amendment to the Hawaiʻi State Constitution to extend the amount of time allowed the Senate to consider and act on the appointments of justices and judges from thirty to sixty days for appointments made between April 1 and December 31 when the Senate is not in Regular Session or is about to adjourn the Regular Session.
SB173 RELATING TO CHILD CARE Requires the Judiciary to establish a three-year pilot program to provide free child care services to minor children of parties and witnesses who are attending court hearings in the first circuit. Requires the Judiciary to submit reports to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.
SB175 PROPOSING AN AMENDMENT TO ARTICLE VI, SECTION 3, OF THE HAWAII STATE CONSTITUTION TO INCREASE THE MANDATORY RETIREMENT AGE FOR STATE JUSTICES AND JUDGES Proposes a constitutional amendment to increase the mandatory retirement age for justices and judges from seventy to seventy-five years of age.
SB228 RELATING TO EXCITED DELIRIUM Prohibits excited delirium from being recognized as a valid medical diagnosis or cause of death in the State. Prohibits a local health officer or local agent of the Department of Health from stating on a certificate of death or in any report that the cause of death was excited delirium. Prohibits law enforcement officers from using the term excited delirium to describe an individual in an incident report.
SB295 HB176 RELATING TO DOMESTIC ABUSE PROTECTIVE ORDERS Increases the penalties imposed on individuals convicted for violation of a temporary restraining order and order for protection. Clarifies that the court shall not sentence a defendant to pay a fine for violating a temporary restraining order or order for protection if, after conducting a financial review, the court determines the defendant is or will be unable to pay the fine. Specifies that the court may suspend certain jail sentence for violation of a temporary restraining order or order for protection upon condition that the defendant remain alcohol- and drug-free, conviction-free, and complete court-ordered assessments or intervention.
SB304 HB114 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY Establishes positions and appropriates funds for Adult Services Probation of the First Circuit Court.
SB361 HB280 RELATING TO THE COMMUNITY OUTREACH COURT Permanently establishes and appropriates funds for the Community Outreach Court as a division of the District Court of the First Circuit.
SB526 HB727 RELATING TO THE WOMEN’S COURT Establishes a temporary three-year woman’s court pilot program within the second, third, and fifth circuits. Establishes temporary positions. Requires a report. Appropriates funds. Sunsets 6/30/2028.
SB694 RELATING TO THE DETENTION OF MINORS Prohibits minors from being held in jails, lockups, or prisons for adults.
SB709 RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH Requires the Department of Health to track and publicly report certain data relating to crisis reports, emergency mental health transports, and court-ordered treatments. Requires DOH to respond to reports about persons having severe mental illness who are in need of assistance, assess whether those persons fulfill criteria for assisted community treatment, and coordinate the process for an assisted community treatment order if indicated. Establishes that a court’s denial of a petition for involuntary commitment shall serve as notification to DOH that the subject of the petition should be evaluated for assisted community treatment. Appropriates moneys.
SB725 HB675 RELATING TO BAIL Requires judges to make certain findings regarding a defendant’s ability to afford bail.
SB781 HB146 RELATING TO THE JUDICIARY’S ‘ŌLELO HAWAI‘I INITIATIVES Appropriates funds to support the Olelo Hawaiʻi Initiatives.
SB788 HB648 RELATING TO GUARDIANSHIP AND CONSERVATORSHIP SERVICES Establishes a two-year pilot program in the Probate Court and Family Court of the First Circuit to fund certain guardianship and conservatorship related court resources in situations where the respondent does not have sufficient funds to pay for one or more of the resources and the court has deemed the resource or resources beneficial. Requires the Judiciary to submit reports to the Governor and Legislature. Appropriates funds.
SB816 HB438 RELATING TO DUE PROCESS PROTECTIONS Establishes the Due Process in Immigration Proceedings Program within the Judiciary to provide legal representation to individuals in immigration-related proceedings in immigration court. Appropriates funds.
SB822 HB1180 RELATING TO THE LANDLORD TENANT CODE Authorizes a landlord to petition a district court for a temporary restraining order, permanent restraining order, or injunction to compel a tenant’s compliance with section 521-51, Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes.
SB825 HB1433 RELATING TO EVICTION MEDIATION Beginning 2/5/2026, extends the period for a notice of termination of a rental agreement; requires landlords to engage in mediation and delay filing an action for summary possession if a tenant schedules or attempts to schedule mediation; and requires landlords to provide specific information in the 10calendar-day notice to tenants. Repeals 2/4/2027. Appropriates moneys.
SB861 HB145 RELATING TO EXPUNGEMENT Authorizes the Hawaiʻi Criminal Justice Data Center to transmit all expungement orders to the Judiciary to effectuate the purposes of Act 159, SLH 2023.
SB933 RELATING TO THE STATE BUDGET Appropriates moneys for grants for fiscal year 2025-2026.
SB935   RELATING TO GOVERNMENT Sets the retirement allowance for a member who first earns credited service as a judge after 6/30/2025, to 1.75 per cent of the judge’s average final compensation for each year of credited service as a judge. Reduces the minimum number of years of credited service qualified Tier 2 Employees’ Retirement System members must have to be eligible for vested benefit status for service retirement allowance purposes from ten years to five years. Increases employer contributions to offset the resulting liability.
SB955 RELATING TO FITNESS TO PROCEED Clarifies the term of commitment for a defendant being held at a hospital or mental health facility for a fitness-to-proceed examination. Clarifies who may serve as a qualified examiner. Reduces from 3 to 2 the number of qualified examiners required for a fitness-to-proceed examination in a felony case, unless the examiners disagree on the defendant’s fitness. Establishes the rate of compensation for conducting the examinations. Establishes a reduced penalty, except in certain circumstances, for a person who commits the offense of escape in the second degree while in the custody of the Director of Health under section 704-421(1), Hawaiʻi Revised Statutes.
SB1028 RELATING TO YOUTH FEES AND FINES Allows community service in place of the assessment of any fines, fees, or court costs against a person who was adjudicated for a traffic-related offense committed while the person was a minor under the age of 18 years, or against the person’s parent or guardian.
SB1150 HB615 RELATING TO HEALTH CARE Expands the protections established under Act 2, SLH 2023, to include gender-affirming health care services. Clarifies jurisdiction under the Uniform Child-Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act for cases involving children who obtain gender-affirming health care services.
SB1228 HB900, HB1381 RELATING TO CHILD WELFARE SERVICES Establishes a working group for legal services for youth in the child welfare system within the judiciary. Appropriates funds for the working group.
SB1231 HB1193 RELATING TO PARENTAGE Repeals the Uniform Parentage Act of 1973 and updates laws relating to parentage, including enacting portions of the Uniform Parentage Act of 2017.
SB1289 RELATING TO TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS Limits moving violations arising from the operation of a motor vehicle that appear on traffic abstracts to those that resulted in convictions. Requires the Traffic and Emergency Period Violations Bureaus to remove all alleged moving violations not resulting in a conviction from certified abstracts. Appropriates moneys.
SB1316 HB997 RELATING TO COURT-ORDERED PAYMENTS Requires the Judiciary to contract with a collection agency or licensed attorney to collect delinquent court-ordered fees, fines, sanctions, and court costs. Repeals the authority of the Judiciary to contract with a collection agency or licensed attorney to collect delinquent restitution. Expressly allows courts to specify a period of time or installments for payment of fees and restitution. Requires courts to hold payment compliance hearings once per year or as soon as practicable, until all fees, fines, and restitution are fully paid, and requires a defendant to appear and show cause if the defendant fails to pay in full within a time specified by the court or fails to pay three consecutive installments. Makes corresponding amendments to related statutes.
SB1322 HB1003 RELATING TO MENTAL HEALTH Clarifies and expands the circumstances and procedures available for emergency transportation, examination, and hospitalization under chapter 334. Provides limits on liability for state and local governments and professionals during mental health emergency procedures while performing their duties in the course of employment. Expands the notice requirements for an emergency hospitalization to include an individual’s health-care surrogate and clarifies when notice to family members can be waived. Removes the authority of the family court to appoint a legal guardian in a proceeding for involuntary hospitalization. Removes the requirement that psychiatric facilities wait for a response on a notice of intent to discharge an involuntary hospitalization patient prior to discharge. Clarifies the circumstances under which a subject of an order for assisted community treatment can be administered medication over the subject’s objection. Provides limits on liability for an assisted community treatment provider. Modifies the administrative authorization of medical treatment over the patient’s objection to be reviewed by a single decision-maker who is a psychiatrist.
SB1324 HB1005 RELATING TO FIREWORKS Amends multiple definitions and penalties for fireworks offenses, including heightened penalties if another person suffers substantial bodily injury, serious bodily injury, or death as a result of the fireworks offenses. Establishes criminal offenses of general fireworks or articles pyrotechnic prohibitions in the first and second degree; sending or receiving fireworks or articles pyrotechnic by air delivery; distributing fireworks or articles pyrotechnic to non-permit holder; removal or extraction of pyrotechnic contents; consumer fireworks prohibitions; refusal to provide identification; and violating requirements of carrier. Establishes an adjudication system and procedures to process fireworks infractions. Appropriates funds.
SB1364 HB1045 MAKING EMERGENCY APPROPRIATIONS FOR LAW ENFORCEMENT PERSONNEL COSTS Makes emergency appropriations for fiscal year 2024-2025 to the Department of Accounting and General Services and the Judiciary for payroll and fringe benefits of affected Department of Law Enforcement personnel.
SB1515 HB1435 RELATING TO ELECTIONS Replaces the boards of registration with on-call circuit judges to hear elections disputes.
SB1520 HB1283 RELATING TO FAMILY Establishes an exemption from mediation in paternity proceedings where there are allegations of domestic abuse. Clarifies the exemption from mediation in divorce proceedings as it relates to domestic abuse.
SB1612 RELATING TO FITNESS TO PROCEED Requires and appropriates moneys for the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, in collaboration with the Department of Health, to establish and implement a 5-year fitness to proceed pilot program. Requires an interim report and final report to the Legislature.
SB1658 RELATING TO TRAFFIC Transfers to the Department of Transportation 100% of the proceeds of the fines and forfeitures collected for uncontested traffic infractions committed within any county having a population of more than 150,000 but less than 175,000. Requires the proceeds to be deposited into a new county progress subaccount of the state highway fund, from which the Department shall allocate moneys for the Lahaina bypass north project, and subsequently for state-designated critical highway projects within the county in which the uncontested traffic infractions were committed.
SB1667 RELATING TO TRANSPORTATION Prohibits any vehicles from blocking marked crosswalks. Requires a person under arrest who refuses to submit to a breath, blood, or urine test to surrender their license to a law enforcement officer. Increases the duration of the suspension of a license when a person is arrested for driving under the influence and refuses to submit a breath, blood, or urine test. Allows the appeal of any license suspension to be filed with the administrative driver’s license revocation office. Authorizes the State Highway Safety and Modernization Council to implement an additional twenty-five photo red light imaging detector systems. Authorizes the Department of Transportation to implement an additional twenty-five automated speed enforcement systems in school zones as designated by the Safe Routes to School Advisory Committee. Establishes requirements for the State Highway Safety and Modernization Council. Requires a report to the Legislature. Appropriates funds.