Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Circuit Courts
Jury trials are held in the Circuit Courts, which have general jurisdiction in civil and criminal cases. They also have exclusive jurisdiction in probate, guardianship and criminal felony cases, as well as civil cases where the contested amount exceeds $40,000.
Circuit Courts share concurrent jurisdiction with District Courts in civil non-jury cases in which the amounts in controversy are between $10,000 and $40,000. Other cases heard by the Circuit Courts include mechanics’ liens and misdemeanor violations transferred from the District Courts for jury trials.
Contact the Circuit Courts
Find contact information for the court in your circuit:
Circuit Court Programs
Learn about Circuit Court Programs.
Court Forms
Download and print forms for your case.
Court Filing Fees
View the most frequently applied filing fees and costs.
Jury Service
Get information about serving on a jury.
Circuit Court Judges
A listing and short biographies of judges.