Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Jury Duty Login
Face coverings are optional in all Judiciary courthouses. In consideration of the health and safety of all those who enter the courthouses, the Judiciary encourages individuals to refer to the Centers for Disease Control’s Updated Respiratory Virus Guidance as well as the state of Hawai’i, Department of Health’s How to Prevent the Spread of COVID-19 for guidance and information.
The Jury Pool Office phone numbers are as follows:
First Circuit (Oʻahu): 808-539-4360
Second Circuit (Maui County): 808-244-2757 or 1-800-315-5879
Third Circuit (Hawaiʻi island): 808-961-7646
Fifth Circuit (Kauaʻi): 808-482-2349
Please read all instructions below before proceeding to login.
[Grand jury information is not available on this website. Please refer to your summons for Grand Jury information.]
Step 1: Please read all pages of your summons carefully because it contains important information about your jury service.
Step 2: Check back for final instructions and any updated information after 5 p.m. on the day before your scheduled date as shown on your summons.
Step 3: If you completed Step 1 and a new date, time or location is provided, this means you have been rescheduled. Check back for final instructions after 5 p.m. on the day before the new date provided on this website.
Step 4: If you completed Step 1 and the date is the same as your summons, but a trial time is not provided, then:
- First (Oʻahu) Circuit jurors only: You are tentatively scheduled for an afternoon trial. Check back at 10:30 a.m. on the morning of your scheduled date for final instructions.
- Second (Maui, Molokaʻi, Lānaʻi), Third (Hawaiʻi island), and Fifth (Kauaʻi) Circuit jurors: You are tentatively rescheduled. Please contact the jury clerk at the phone numbers provided at the top of this page.
Also, please note:
- When reporting for jury duty, please bring your summons with you.
- If you have been deferred, a new summons will be mailed to you.
- If your trial is settled, you will be notified by mail if you are needed again for jury service.
- If you appear on the wrong date or at the wrong time, you will not be reimbursed for any travel or other expenses.
- If you have been rescheduled, please call the Jury Information Line and listen carefully to the message because your reporting time and location might have changed.
To login, use the link or the button below:
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