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Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.

Resource Numbers

Adult Client Victim Services, First Circuit Court (808) 538-5687

Child Protective Services

O`ahu (808) 832-5300
Hawai`i 1-800-494-3991
Kaua`i 1-800-494-3991
Maui 1-800-494-3991
Moloka`i 1-800-494-3991
Lana`i 1-800-494-3991

Crime Victim Compensation Commission

Statewide (808) 587-1143

Domestic Violence Clearinghouse and Legal Hotline

O`ahu (808) 531-3771
Hawai`i 1-800-690-6200
Kaua`i 1-800-690-6200
Maui 1-800-690-6200
Moloka`i 1-800-690-6200
Lana`i 1-800-690-6200

Domestic Violence Shelter Hotline


(808) 841-0822 Shelter
(808) 526-2200 Kaneohe
(808) 528-0606 Kailua (Hale Ola)

Hawai`i (808) 959-8864 Hilo
(808) 322-7233 Kona
Kaua`i (808) 245-6362
Lana`i, Maui, Moloka`i (808) 579-9581 (receives collect calls from Maui, Moloka`i and Lana`i)
National Hotline for Domestic Violence 1-800-799-7233

Family Court (Temporary Restraining Order)

O`ahu (808) 538-5959

(808) 935-2188 Hilo
(808) 323-2664 Kona
(808) 345-7200 Waimea

Kaua`i (808) 245-6362
Maui (808) 244-2706
Moloka`i (808) 553-3202
Lana`i (808) 565-6700

Sex Abuse Center Hotline

O`ahu (808) 524-7273
Hawai`i (808) 935-0677 Hotline
Kaua`i (808) 245-4144 Hotline
Maui, Moloka`i and Lana`i 1-866-443-5702 Hotline
(808) 873-8624 Maui Office

Suicide and Crisis Hotline

O`ahu (808) 832-3100
Hawai`i, Kaua`i, Lana`i, Maui, Moloka`i 1-800-753-6879

Support and Advocacy Services for Victims of Drunk Driving (MADD)

Statewide (808) 532-6233
Victim Witness Kokua Services
Department of the Prosecuting Attorney
(808) 768-7401
Victim/Witness Assistance Unit
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney
(808) 934-3306 Hilo
(808) 322-2552 Kona
Victim Witness Program
Office of the Prosecuting Attorney
(808) 241-1898
Lana`i, Maui, Molokai:
Victim/Witness Assistance Division
Department of the Prosecuting Attorney
(808) 270-7695