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Judicial Foreclosure Cases and Conversion Petitions Filed**

Judicial Foreclosure Cases Filed

All Circuits, 2010-2019* Archive

  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
January 80 49 82 90 86
February 116 36 39 81 62
March 74 50 62 109 69
45 47 67 92 89
May 19 44 61 91 96
June 42 59 75 82 64
July 38 36 65 68  
August 44 26 74 102  
September 41 47 96 71  
October 50 57 95 84  
November 33 76 121 73  
December 65 48 71 53  
TOTAL: 647 575 908 996 466

*Please note that these figures may fluctuate depending on when the report was run; data correction is an on-going process and impacts counts.  The judicial foreclosure cases filed include agreements of sale.

**Conversion petitions (conversions from non-judicial to judicial foreclosures) ceased to be filed as of August 2011.

***The CARES Act Moratorium on Foreclosures (effective March 27, 2020; and expired July 31, 2021) provided relief for Hawaii homeowners with Federally-backed mortgages during COVID-19. The increase in the number of foreclosure cases, in recent months, may reflect effects of the end of this Act.