Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
About Filing for Your Temporary Restraining Order (TRO)
On Oahu, when you arrive at Circuit Court or at the Family Court, a TRO Court Officer will help you fill out the necessary petition and other forms. You may also file a petition on behalf of your children, or on behalf of a family or household member who is an incapacitated person or who is physically unable to go to the appropriate place to complete or file the petition.
More Details Give You Greater Protection
Please be prepared to provide as much detail as possible. Examples of important details include:
- Dates of abuse or threats;
- Description of physical abuse, psychological abuse, or threats;
- Information about property damage;
- Documentation, if available, about abuse, including medical and police reports; and
- Information about whether the defendant/respondent owns a gun or has threatened you with one.
There is no charge to file the initial petition for a TRO.
After the TRO is Granted
A judge will review your petition. If the TRO is granted, an Order to Show Cause (OSC) hearing will be calendared within 15 days. The purpose of this court hearing is to give the respondent an opportunity to respond to the Petition and for the judge to determine if the order granting you protection should be extended for a longer period of time.
The TRO must be personally served on the respondent before it can be enforced. Only a law enforcement officer can serve the TRO documents, unless otherwise ordered by the court.
Keep a copy of your TRO with you at all times and immediately report any violations to the police department by calling 911.