Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
Dispute Resolution Procedures
Center for Alternative Dispute Resolution
The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
417 South King Street, Room 207
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Email: CADR@courts.hawaii.gov
Telephone: (808) 539-4ADR (4237)
Fax: (808) 539-4416
Please contact the Center if you would like more information about ADR in Hawaii.
Court Annexed Arbitration Program
The Judiciary, State of Hawaii
777 Punchbowl Street, 4th Floor
Honolulu, Hawaii 96813
Telephone: (808) 534-6000
Fax: (808) 534-6011
Please contact the Court Annexed Arbitration Program (CAAP) if you would like more information about the court’s non-binding arbitration program.
Go to: ADR Providers
Dispute Resolution Procedures
- Why does the Court offer ADR?
- What is ADR?
- How can ADR help in my case?
- Which ADR processes does the court offer?
- Which is the most suitable ADR process for my case?
- How likely is each ADR process to deliver the specific benefit?
- What else do I need to know?
- How do I get my case into an ADR process?
- When can I get my case into an ADR process?
- When is the best time to use ADR?
- How much information should be exchanged first?
- Will ADR affect my case’s status on the trial track?
- How might ADR be better than the parties meeting on their own?
- Won’t I risk giving away my trial strategy in ADR?
- Where can I get more information?
- ADR Providers
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