Eviction moratorium on Maui Island ends on Feb. 4, 2025. For updates, click here.
How do I get assignments as a registered court interpreter?
Once individuals have completed the application process and fulfilled all mandatory requirements of the court interpreter certification program, they will be placed on the Court Interpreter Certification Program Registry. These graduated requirements are: 1) completing and submitting the Judiciary?s court interpreter certification program application form; 2) fully attending a Judiciary two-day court interpreter certification program basic orientation workshop (BOW); 3) achieving passing scores on the Judiciary’s written English proficiency and basic ethics exams; and 4) clearing a criminal background check administered by the Judiciary. Upon successful completion of all requirements, the applicant will obtain a Tier 1 “Registered” Interpreter Designation. This Tier Designation may be higher for applicants for whom an application for reciprocity has been reviewed and approved by the Judiciary.
Once individuals obtain the Tier 1 “Registered” Interpreter Designation or a higher designation, they will be placed on the Court Interpreter Certification Program Registry (“Registry”) and may be called by court staff for interpreting assignments. Court interpreters on the Registry will generally be given preference according to their tier level, with interpreters with higher tier designations in a given language generally being contacted by court staff before those with lower tier designations for assignments. Additionally, interpreters who have obtained a tier designation will generally be given preference over interpreters that have not obtained a tier designation, either due to not completing or not achieving requisite scores on mandatory requirements of the certification program.